Foto: Isa Lisboa |
A última reunião da agenda estava encerrada, tudo havia corrido como Alexandre havia planeado, a promoção que tanto merecia parecia-lhe estar agora mais próxima.
Relia o último e-mail do dia. "Send".
Arrumou as pastas no sítio certo, na segunda feira voltaria a abri-las.
Há poucos minutos, Inês ligara-lhe, avisando que o esperava em casa mais cedo, este ano toda a família estaria presente na Ceia de Natal. Todos...excepto Diogo...
Já estava tudo organizado para a Noite de Natal, o melhor catering estava assegurado e todas as prendas já lhe haviam sido entregues e arrumadas na bagageira do seu Audi. Isabel tinha sido inestimável, como sempre. A Inês adorava-a, com a sua ajuda consegue sempre organizar a ceia perfeita em cada ano. E também fica sempre encantada com os presentes que ela escolhe. Este ano encomendou um quadro, de um daqueles artistas emergentes. Espero que goste, pergunto-me porque quer embelezar a parede, quando costuma preferir adornos para si... Edmundo Bram... Algo no nome desse artista lhe parecia estranhamente familiar, mas porque seria? O telefone tocou de novo.
"Sim, querida, estou a sair do escritório, não te preocupes, chegarei a tempo." ... "Eu também, um beijo".
Alexandre dirigiu-se ao seu carro e sentiu-se a relaxar quando se sentou nos seus bancos de pele e se preparou para rodar a chave na ignição. A viagem até casa foi um prazer, como ele adorava conduzir!
Chegou a casa ainda a tempo de vestir algo mais confortável.
Ouvia já os convidados a chegar, a tia Matilde já inundava a sala com os seus reparos à roupa de Inês. Quando começámos a namorar, a tia Matilde olhava para mim com ar desconfiado, dizia-me que parecia não ir a lado nenhum.... Bom, depois desse fraco vaticínio, Inês já não devia preocupar-se com a sua opinião... Espero que a Lurdes chegue depressa, é a única que consegue acalmar um pouco os ânimos da irmã.
São o verso e o reverso de uma mesma medalha, um pouco como eram Alexandre e o seu irmão.
“Não”, pensou logo Alexandre, porque era a segunda vez que a recordação de Diogo o assaltava.
O seu irmão não estava ali, tal como não estava quando Alexandre conseguiu o estágio na consultora, no dia em que conseguiu reunir coragem para se declarar a Inês, no dia em que casaram. E não estaria cá daqui a 7 meses, não iria conhecer o sobrinho.
Ainda ninguém sabia, finalmente esperavam um filho!
Os seus pensamentos foram interrompidos pela voz da sua mãe, que o chamava. Estava na hora de descer.
A irmã e os seus sobrinhos gémeos também já haviam chegado. As crianças tinham uma alegria contagiante, à qual Alexandre nunca conseguia resistir. Talvez ele e Inês também pudessem ter gémeos, pensando na tendência genética da família.
A noite decorreu, todos estavam felizes. Quando já tinham voltado para casa, Alexandre sentou-se por um pouco. Apagou as luzes da casa e dirigiu-se ao quarto. Inês já dormia, Alexandre escorregou por entre os lençóis e olhou para Inês. Como continuava linda. Mudou o look ao longo dos anos, mas aquela curvinha no queixo, continua lá… Ficou um pouco a ouvir a sua respiração leve e adormeceu também.
Acordou cedo e sentiu vontade de ir até ao jardim. Vestiu um casaco e foi até lá, a pé. Dirigiu-se ao banco que procurava e sentou-se a olhar para a água da fonte, que se renova, sendo sempre a mesma… Sentiu um pequeno barulho e um jovem aproximou-se de si e sentou-se. Alexandre sentiu que estava a ficar louco, aquele rapaz parecia Diogo!
“Não estás louco, sou eu, o Diogo!” “Não pode ser, tu foste embora!” “Mas voltei” “Não, não podes ser tu, estás na mesma, não envelheceste, como eu!” “O Peter Pan também não envelheceu quando fugiu para a Terra do Nunca” “Porque dizes sempre esses disparates? Não és o Peter Pan, não eras uma criança quando partiste! Não foram fadas que te levaram, foram os teus próprios pés!” “Não, mas fugi porque não queria crescer, não da mesma forma que tu querias! Fui em busca do meu caminho, precisava descobrir-me” “E encontraste-te?” “Encontrei-me, mas vejo que tu estás a perder-te” “O que queres dizer com isso? Estou óptimo!” “Sim, sei tudo isso, sei que conseguiste tudo o que sonhaste, a tua carreira está em ascensão, casaste com a Inês, mostraste à família dela que estavam enganados a teu respeito.” “Sim, sabes que casámos?” “Sei sim… Ontem à noite pensavas que ela está cada vez mais bonita… Ficaste surpreendido com esse pensamento, não foi? Há quanto tempo não olhas para ela, apenas olhar, ver os movimentos dela, ouvi-la falar, como gostavas de fazer quando estávamos no liceu. Lembras-te que ela gostava de ler poesia? Que lhe compravas livros que não tinhas coragem de lhe oferecer? E agora? Quando foi a última vez que saíste do teu escritório para lhe comprar um livro? E tu, quando foi a última vez que foste ao teatro, adoravas ir ver os clássicos…? O teu filho vai nascer, ainda te lembras como andar de bicicleta, como jogar à bola, correr pelo jardim quando chove? Lembra-te, se não lhe ensinares tudo isso, com quem vai ele aprender? Terás que o trazer a este jardim, e sentares-te com ele neste banco, e falares-lhe de ti, de quando te sentavas aqui com o teu irmão gémeo, a fazer planos para o futuro. Lembras-te de tudo o que querias ser?”
Alexandre acordou de repente, o sonho perturbou-o. Levantou-se e foi até à garagem, procurou nas caixas que estavam no canto e encontrou… Ainda estavam em bom estado. Dirigiu-se à sala e estava lá Inês a pendurar o quadro. “Quero dar-te o teu presente, o teu presente a sério. Já têm dez anos, mas são teus, comprei-os um a um para ti, mas guardava-os sempre, com medo de te os oferecer, com medo de que o presente fosse pequeno para ti.” Inês leu os títulos um a um, folheou os livros calmamente e sorriu. “Adoro! Adoro-te” “Lês para mim?” “Claro”. Alexandre sentou-se. Olhou para o quadro pendurado na parede, muito bom, realmente. Edmundo Bram... De repente, lembrou-se! Era o nome com que Diogo assinava os seus esboços… Será que Diogo regressou mesmo da Terra do Nunca? Talvez sim, mas hoje era Alexandre que não iria permitir-se crescer. Inês continuava com a sua curvinha no queixo, a sua voz era melodiosa e linda como sempre. E esperava o seu filho. E Alexandre esqueceu-se das pastas que deixou no escritório. Logo à noite iria ver quais as peças de teatro que iriam estrear. E amanhã iria comprar uma bola de futebol.
*.★* *★ 。*. *.★* *★ 。* *.★* *★ 。* *.★* *★ 。* *.★* *★ 。*
The last meeting was over, everything had gone as Alexandre had planned, that deserved promotion seemed to be closer now.
He reread the last email of the day. "Send".
He arranged the folders in the right place; he would open them again on Monday.
A few minutes ago, Inês had phoned him, telling that she waited him at home earlier. This year the whole family would be there at Christmas dinner. All, except for... Diogo ...
Everything was organized for Christmas Eve, the best catering was assured, and all the gifts had already been delivered and stowed in the trunk of his Audi. Isabel had been invaluable, as always. Ines loved her, with her help she was able to arrange the perfect dinner each year. And she was always delighted with the gifts she choosed. This year she commissioned a painting from one of those emerging artists. I hope she enjoys it, I wonder why she wants something for the wall, when usually she prefers presents for herself... Edmundo Bram ... Something in the name of the artist seemed strangely familiar, but why would it be? The phone rang again. "Yes, darling, I'm going out now, don’t worry, I will arrive on time." ... "Me too, kiss."
Alexandre went to his car and relaxed when he sat in his leather seats and prepared to turn on the key. The drive home was a pleasure, he really loved to drive!
He arrived home in time to slip into something more comfortable.
He could hear the guests coming; Aunt Matilde had flooded the room with her repairs on Inês’s clothing. “When we started dating, Aunt Matilde looked at me suspiciously, told me I did not seem to go anywhere .... Well, after this poor prediction, Inês should no longer worry about her opinion ... I hope Lurdes comes soon, she is the only one who can calm her sister.” They are the verse and reverse of the same coin, a bit like Alexandre and his brother were.
"No," thought Alexandre, because it was the second time the memory of Diogo assailed him.
His brother was not there, as he was not there when Alexandre started the stage at the consultant, or the day he could muster courage to declare to Inês, the day they got married. He wouldn’t be here seven months from now, wouldn’t meet his nephew.
Although no one knew, finally they were expecting a child!
His thoughts were interrupted by the voice of his mother, who called him. It was time to go down.
His sister and his twin nephews had also arrived. The children had a contagious joy, to which Alexandre could never resist. Maybe he and Inês could also have twins, thinking about the genetic tendency of the family.
The night went trough, everyone was happy. When all had returned home, Alexandre sat for a while. He turned off the lights in the house and went to the room. Inês was asleep, Alexandre slipped through the sheets and looked at her. She looked wonderfully. She changed her looks over the years, but that little curve in her chin, still there ... He stayed for a bit listening to her breathing, and he fell asleep as well.
Woke up early and felt like going into the garden. He putted on a coat and got there on foot. Went to the bench he was looking for and sat looking at the water source, that water is renewed, and yet is always the same ... He heard a small noise and a young man approached him and sat down. Alexandre felt that he was going mad, that guy looked like Diogo!
"You're not crazy, it ‘s me, Diogo" "Can’t be, you went away!" "But I came back" "No, it can’t be you, you haven’t aged, like me!" "Peter Pan hasn’t aged either, when he fled to Neverland "" Why do you always say such nonsense? You’re not Peter Pan, you weren’t a child when you left! No fairies took you, you left by your own feet! "" No, but I ran away because I didn’t wanted to grow up, not the way you wanted! I went out searching for my way, I needed to find myself " " And did you? " " I found myself, but I see that you're losing yourself " " What do you mean? I'm great! " " Yes, I know, I know you got everything you dreamed of, your career is on the rise, you’ve married Inês, you showed her family that they were wrong about you. " " Yes, you know I got married? "" I know, but ... Last night you thought she is more beautiful than ever ... You were surprised with that thought, right? How long have you not looked at her, just look, see her movements, and hear her speak, as you liked to do when we were in high school. Remember that she liked to read poetry? When you bought her books and you didn’t have the courage to offer them to her? Now what? When was the last time you left your office to buy her a book? And you, when was it the last time you went to the theatre, you used to love going to see a classic ...? Your child will be born, do you still remember how to ride a bike, how to play soccer, run around in the garden when it rains? Think about it, if you don’t teach him all this, whom will he learn it from? You’ll have to bring him to this garden, and sit with him in this bench, tell him about yourself, about when you sat here with your twin brother, making plans for the future. Do you remember everything you wanted to be? "
Alexandre woke up suddenly, the dream troubled him. He got up and went to the garage, looked in the boxes that were in the corner and found it ... They were still in good conditions. He went to the room, and Inês was there hanging the painting. "I have a gift for you, your real gift. They’re already ten years old, but they’re yours, I bought them one by one for you. But I always kept them, I was afraid of offering them to you, fearing that this would be small for you.” Inês read the titles one by one , flipped through the books quietly and smiled. "I love it! I love you " " Will you read to me? " " Sure. " Alexandre sat down. He looked at the painting hanging on the wall, very good, actually. Edmundo Bram ... Suddenly, he remembered! It was the name that Diogo signed his sketches with... Had Diogo really returned from Neverland? Maybe so, but today Alexandre was the one who wouldn’t allow himself to grow up. That little curve in Inês’s chin was still there, her voice was beautiful as ever. And she was waiting for his child. Alexandre forgot the folders he left in the office. Tonight he would check on the new plays coming up. And tomorrow he would buy a soccer ball.
He reread the last email of the day. "Send".
He arranged the folders in the right place; he would open them again on Monday.
A few minutes ago, Inês had phoned him, telling that she waited him at home earlier. This year the whole family would be there at Christmas dinner. All, except for... Diogo ...
Everything was organized for Christmas Eve, the best catering was assured, and all the gifts had already been delivered and stowed in the trunk of his Audi. Isabel had been invaluable, as always. Ines loved her, with her help she was able to arrange the perfect dinner each year. And she was always delighted with the gifts she choosed. This year she commissioned a painting from one of those emerging artists. I hope she enjoys it, I wonder why she wants something for the wall, when usually she prefers presents for herself... Edmundo Bram ... Something in the name of the artist seemed strangely familiar, but why would it be? The phone rang again. "Yes, darling, I'm going out now, don’t worry, I will arrive on time." ... "Me too, kiss."
Alexandre went to his car and relaxed when he sat in his leather seats and prepared to turn on the key. The drive home was a pleasure, he really loved to drive!
He arrived home in time to slip into something more comfortable.
He could hear the guests coming; Aunt Matilde had flooded the room with her repairs on Inês’s clothing. “When we started dating, Aunt Matilde looked at me suspiciously, told me I did not seem to go anywhere .... Well, after this poor prediction, Inês should no longer worry about her opinion ... I hope Lurdes comes soon, she is the only one who can calm her sister.” They are the verse and reverse of the same coin, a bit like Alexandre and his brother were.
"No," thought Alexandre, because it was the second time the memory of Diogo assailed him.
His brother was not there, as he was not there when Alexandre started the stage at the consultant, or the day he could muster courage to declare to Inês, the day they got married. He wouldn’t be here seven months from now, wouldn’t meet his nephew.
Although no one knew, finally they were expecting a child!
His thoughts were interrupted by the voice of his mother, who called him. It was time to go down.
His sister and his twin nephews had also arrived. The children had a contagious joy, to which Alexandre could never resist. Maybe he and Inês could also have twins, thinking about the genetic tendency of the family.
The night went trough, everyone was happy. When all had returned home, Alexandre sat for a while. He turned off the lights in the house and went to the room. Inês was asleep, Alexandre slipped through the sheets and looked at her. She looked wonderfully. She changed her looks over the years, but that little curve in her chin, still there ... He stayed for a bit listening to her breathing, and he fell asleep as well.
Woke up early and felt like going into the garden. He putted on a coat and got there on foot. Went to the bench he was looking for and sat looking at the water source, that water is renewed, and yet is always the same ... He heard a small noise and a young man approached him and sat down. Alexandre felt that he was going mad, that guy looked like Diogo!
"You're not crazy, it ‘s me, Diogo" "Can’t be, you went away!" "But I came back" "No, it can’t be you, you haven’t aged, like me!" "Peter Pan hasn’t aged either, when he fled to Neverland "" Why do you always say such nonsense? You’re not Peter Pan, you weren’t a child when you left! No fairies took you, you left by your own feet! "" No, but I ran away because I didn’t wanted to grow up, not the way you wanted! I went out searching for my way, I needed to find myself " " And did you? " " I found myself, but I see that you're losing yourself " " What do you mean? I'm great! " " Yes, I know, I know you got everything you dreamed of, your career is on the rise, you’ve married Inês, you showed her family that they were wrong about you. " " Yes, you know I got married? "" I know, but ... Last night you thought she is more beautiful than ever ... You were surprised with that thought, right? How long have you not looked at her, just look, see her movements, and hear her speak, as you liked to do when we were in high school. Remember that she liked to read poetry? When you bought her books and you didn’t have the courage to offer them to her? Now what? When was the last time you left your office to buy her a book? And you, when was it the last time you went to the theatre, you used to love going to see a classic ...? Your child will be born, do you still remember how to ride a bike, how to play soccer, run around in the garden when it rains? Think about it, if you don’t teach him all this, whom will he learn it from? You’ll have to bring him to this garden, and sit with him in this bench, tell him about yourself, about when you sat here with your twin brother, making plans for the future. Do you remember everything you wanted to be? "
Alexandre woke up suddenly, the dream troubled him. He got up and went to the garage, looked in the boxes that were in the corner and found it ... They were still in good conditions. He went to the room, and Inês was there hanging the painting. "I have a gift for you, your real gift. They’re already ten years old, but they’re yours, I bought them one by one for you. But I always kept them, I was afraid of offering them to you, fearing that this would be small for you.” Inês read the titles one by one , flipped through the books quietly and smiled. "I love it! I love you " " Will you read to me? " " Sure. " Alexandre sat down. He looked at the painting hanging on the wall, very good, actually. Edmundo Bram ... Suddenly, he remembered! It was the name that Diogo signed his sketches with... Had Diogo really returned from Neverland? Maybe so, but today Alexandre was the one who wouldn’t allow himself to grow up. That little curve in Inês’s chin was still there, her voice was beautiful as ever. And she was waiting for his child. Alexandre forgot the folders he left in the office. Tonight he would check on the new plays coming up. And tomorrow he would buy a soccer ball.
˛ °_██_*。*./ \ .˛* .˛.*.★* *★ 。*
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