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"a escrita é a minha primeira morada de silêncio" |Al Berto

quarta-feira, 17 de junho de 2015


Arte: Sascalia

Smiles don't fit in my verses
I can't carry them on my own

I will keep them for you
Until poetry comes back

Tears don't fit in my poem
I can't hold them alone

My hand will stop them
When they're no longer necessary

My hands are empty
Thoughts run away like the wind

Grab this hand, as strong as you need
With the other I'll stop the storm

Words come out in silence
Echoing through the air

I hear your thoughts
I won't let them get lost in the wind

Finally, in an unbearable effort,
My eyes open and I see

Slowly my hand needs not to hold yours
But, still, I will never let go

Strength arises, at last,
Wings deploy their feathers

You've found the sky again
Land was just a place to rest

Verses fall in the paper
My poem is born in time

Another chapter is closed
But our friendship will always be

Escrita a duas mãos, Dulce Morais e Isa Lisboa

Poema publicado também no Crazy40 Blog, da Dulce

4 comentários:

  1. Isa,
    Como não gostar de escrever contigo quando o resultado é tão ... especial!
    Obrigada pela tua amizade :)

    1. É verdade, ficou mesmo especial este poema! :) Obrigada por partilhares o papel comigo, Dulce! :)


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